Creating the life you want
Be honest. How many times have you said to yourself: "oh, that must be nice! I'll never have that kind of life!" I see people every day, having a dream life in their head and thinking that it's unachievable. They have a mental picture of the kind of job they want, the kind of home they'd like to live in, the kind of partner, or car, or body or hobbies they want. And they seem to think that these things are always going to be out of reach for them. "I'm not one of those lucky people." - they say.
This behavior first came to my attention in connection with interior design. A lot of people furnish and decorate their space thinking: "okay, this is how much money I have for this, these are the things I already have and need to fit them in my space even if I don't like them anymore, and these are the two stores I can go to, to find everything I need. I'll go look at what they have and find something thats good enough. "
It's tricky because it's easy to
You're thinking: well, ehat do you want from me? I work all they, I save lives, I'm super busy! I dont have time for
Basically, people are settling. All the time. And I get it. It's easy, and you're tired. And I'm here to tell you, that if you look at your life and it's only a shadow of your vision board, and you don't feel satisfied, then you need to stop thinking: "This is what I can achieve." and start thinking: "This is what I want to achieve, how can I do it?