Everyday luxury

When I was on my honeymoon, I quickly developed the habit of having a cup of tea and a biscuit every afternoon when we got back to the hotel room from whatever we were doing that day, and it just felt soo ... luxurious. That's the best way I can describe it. It felt so special every time, and of course partly that was because we were on our honeymoon and we were in an amazing hotel in a beautiful part of Ireland - but I started thinking: why can't I keep having this experience when we go back home? I also started thinking about what made this afternoon tea feel like a luxurious treat? There was nothing expensive about it. I realized that it was the fact that I had time to have an afternoon tea, the fact that I was sipping it from a beautiful cup, the fact that I added a splash of milk, the fact that I was sipping it while sitting at a window, looking over a lovely garden and enjoying the warm afternoon sun - all the little things and details that might take a little bit more time and thought turned these moments into a luxurious experience.

There are moments in life when you smile and say: "I feel like a princess!" Those are usually times when you have people doing things for you, like on your wedding day: people help you get dressed, they bring you coffee or water, they even help you walk sometimes:) and then you have a dinner that you didn't have to cook yourself - it's great. But, in everyday life - unless you have a full-time servant - you have to do things for yourself. You are the princess and the servant in one person. So, if you have to be your own servant anyway, why not put a little extra effort into things? Your servant-self works a bit harder, but your princess self has a better life. People tend to get lazy and cut corners when it comes to themselves and even their family. (Not judging, I do it too.) How many times have we heard: "oh, there's no need to be fancy, it's just us!"

When we expect important guests we pull out all the stops, but "when it's just us" we eat in front of the TV in sweatpants. Sound familiar? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's not ok to be casual at home, but if you feel like there's just not enough luxury in your life  - try paying more attention to detail before you break the bank. People usually associate luxury with money, but it's not necessarily the expensive things you're missing from your life, it's the luxurious experience of having a servant-self that works hard:) So don't just have a bath - have a bath with candles and bubbles and wine. Don't just read - read in your garden or in the park. Don't just have a coffee - have a coffee from a beautiful cup sitting in your favorite spot of the house. And when you have dinner, do light those candles, and do put out those napkins! Because your princess-self had a hard day and she deserves it!:)

Here's my everyday luxury-challenge for you: For a week, try putting a little extra effort into everything you're doing for yourself and your family! Let me know how it made you feel below. (If you'd like me to answer, please fill in your name and email address too!)

I did the challenge - here's how I feel about it: