About me
Welcome to my website! This site is my hobby, my downtime. This is where I share all the things I like, my ideas and current projects. If you're looking for tips on interior design, home decorating, cooking, baking, diys, or you just want to relax a little bit after a long day, then grab a cup of something and browse through my page!:) Under "Favourites" I share the things I really like and recommend each month (may that be a movie, a recipe, a product, a good restaurant/pub, or anything else).
Feel free to contact me, if you have any questions, suggestions, or if you just want to chat!:) I'm glad you stumbled upon my website, hope you like the content!
A little bit more about me:
I'm an art historian by day, and an interior designer by night. I'm a wife and a proud mommy of a cute little boy:) So sometimes you might find some baby-related tips and tricks, baby product favorites on my blog too! I live in Budapest with my family and we also have a dog.